October Colors 10/ 3/14

Early October feels like November when a cold front comes in with overcast skies, occasional showers and wind. By noon the rain started to let up but the day had not improved much. If I was going to fish this was as good as it was going to get. This looked like a streamer day. Don't waste time just cast and twitch, strip or let hang. The river had come up a foot since I last visited and was off color...Yup a streamer day.

Second cast into the first run connected with a 14 inch brown. It was a male colored up as they do in the fall. Moving down stream with an Olive Pine Cone streamer and working cover and banks produced five browns in all, two of which were pretty nice in the mid teens. One female was very bright with a butter colored belly and brilliant red surrounding the brown spots on her side.

I picked up two bonus rainbows from this years state stocking. They were healthy but didn't appear to have grown much since they were stocked. 4 hours on the river bringing 7 trout to hand is not a bad way to spend an otherwise crummy day.
